This Class ship has been called the most heavily armed warship in the
Quadrant, and this is a fact. For a ship of its size it is so to speak one moving
warhead, capable of taking out dozens of heavily armed Enemies without much
damage to itself. This has been seen on several occasions, including the
Klingon incident at DS9, The Borg incursion into sector 001, Dogfighting with
Jem Hadar warships and of course the Cardassian incident when it was hijacked.
The tactical advantage of The Defiant Class War Ship is due to its size and unusual
design, not to mention its heavily upgraded weapons systems and armer.However the Defiant is not the only ship in Starfleet to have the new weapons
systems. Although the Defiant was the test class for the new weapons systems, many were
incorporated fleet wide. These weapons systems include specifically Quantum
Torpedoes, and High End Tri-Cobalt devices. These weapons systems were developed by Starfleet to combat the Borg
threat and more
recently the Jem Hadar.